Thursday, December 2, 2010

City of Bones

By Cassandra Clare
Review by Zoe Jardine, grade 9

City of Bones is one of my favourite books.  It is full of action.  It's about a girl named Clary who comes home one day to find her mother missing.  Her apartment building is destroyed and a lot of stuff is gone.  Determined to find her mother, she talks to a boy named Jace.  He leads Clary through a world that normal humans can't see.  She used to think that she was just a normal human girl, now she is finding out about who her real father is and about her mother's past.  Jace, who was orphaned at an early age, finds that he has a father and mother and even a sister.  Sometimes things just aren't as they seem.


  1. Great job Zoe, can't wait to read more of your reviews!

    Ms. Carson

  2. After reading that summary of the book I am interested in reding it and I might do that!
    Chaya Pattison Grade 11
