Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Because living is so dear....

The HHS Library Guild did a short (very unscientific) survey of several classes before they left for the Christmas break, inspired by The Book of Awesome, by Neil Pasricha.

Here are the top things HHS students and staff are thankful for this December:

1. Spending time with family and friends
2. Winter break (2 weeks vacation!!!)
3. Food (turkey, apples, cranberry sauce and pop were top mentions)
5. Sleeping in
6. Seeing people "from away" come home
7. Snow
8. Books (yipee!)
9. Hockey season
10. Giving/receiving presents

Other honourable mentions:
-Good health
-That teachers trust the students to go off school grounds
-Having a thumb (oh Mr. Stoddart-what a sentient being!)
-Christmas movies
-Christmas lights
-Christmas tree and its smell
-Being Canadian
-Video Games
-Teachers at school being pretty fair
-No more Chipmunks music!!

For those of you who haven't read Pasricha's book, here are some things he thinks are AWESOME:

1. When cashiers open up new checkout lanes at the grocery store
2. Wearing underwear just out of the dryer
3. When you're awkwardly standing by yourself with a full cafeteria tray of food and then suddenly spot your friend waving at you.
4. When the vending machine gives you two things instead of one
5. Getting the eyelash out of your eye
6. Putting potato chips on a sandwich
7. A long hug when you really need it
8. Laughing so hard you make no sound at all
9. Neighbours with pools
10. The smell of books (my kinda guy!)

Have a very happy holidays eveyone!
~Ms. Carson and the HHS Library Guild

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